In the vast expanse of the cosmos, mysteries abound, and humans have long sought to understand their place within the grand design of the universe. Among the various tools and concepts that have emerged to unravel these mysteries, the cosmogram stands as a remarkable and profound representation of the celestial blueprint.

Cosmic Reflections in Patterns

A cosmogram, often referred to as a “cosmic diagram,” is a visual representation that encapsulates the intricate interplay between celestial bodies, time, and the human experience.

It serves as a symbolic bridge that connects the macrocosm of the universe with the microcosm of individual lives.

Just as the ancient practice of astrology explores the influence of celestial bodies on human destinies, the cosmogram delves into the profound connections that weave through space and time.

Historical Roots and Cultural Significance

The concept of the cosmogram is deeply rooted in cultures and civilizations across the world. From the elaborate mandalas of Eastern traditions to the intricate astrolabes of the Islamic Golden Age, diverse cultures have sought to capture the essence of cosmic order through visual representations.

Astrology, Astronomy, and Time

One of the most prevalent uses of the cosmogram is in the realm of astrology. Astrological cosmograms, commonly known as birth charts or natal charts, map the positions of planets and other celestial bodies at the exact moment of an individual’s birth. These charts are interpreted to reveal insights into personality traits, life events, and potential paths.

Astronomy, too, finds its reflection in the cosmogram. Celestial events such as equinoxes, solstices, and planetary alignments can be integrated into these diagrams, allowing for a deeper exploration of cosmic cycles and their impact on Earth.

Time, an ever-flowing river that carries us through existence, is intricately woven into the fabric of the cosmogram.

Through careful calculations and alignments, the cosmogram reflects the passage of time and the cyclical patterns that govern the universe.

Cosmogram in Gann Square of 9

Incorporating the signs of the zodiac and compass directions into this comprehensive framework, W.D. Gann weaves a tapestry that interconnects time, space, and celestial occurrences within the Gann Square of 9. In the below figure, the “Cosmogram” is also overlaid.

Cosmogram depicts the positions of the planetary bodies in relation to the numbers on the Square of Nine, as well as performs many useful functions and displays information on the planetary bodies.

Please note that the following chart provides a general overview and simplification of the Gann degrees associated with each zodiac sign.

Zodiac SignGann Degrees
Aries0 to 30
Taurus30 to 60
Gemini60 to 90
Cancer90 to 120
Leo120 to 150
Virgo150 to 180
Libra180 to 210
Scorpio210 to 240
Sagittarius240 to 270
Capricorn270 to 300
Aquarius300 to 330
Pisces330 to 360

Remember, Gann’s work is quite intricate and involves a deeper understanding of market analysis and geometry and can involve various techniques and calculations beyond just zodiac associations.

Here is another table that sums up Degree, Time, Direction, Zodiac Sign along with the Astronomical Events.

0Mar 216:00 a.m.Spring EquinoxEastAries
30Apr 218:00 a.m.Taurus
60May 2110:00 a.m.Gemini
90Jun 2112:00 NoonSummer SolsticeNorthCancer
120Jul 232:00 p.m.Leo
150Aug 224:00 p.m.Virgo
180Sep 216:00 p.m.Autumn EquinoxWestLibra
210Oct 228:00 p.m.Scorpio
240Nov 2110:00 p.m.Sagittarius
270Dec 2112:00 MidnightWinter SolsticeSouthCapricorn
300Jan 202:00 a.m.Aquarius
330Feb 194:00 a.m.Pisces
360Mar 216:00 a.m.Spring EquinoxEastAries

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